Full Tummy Tuck vs Mini Tummy Tuck
Posted January 20, 2009 in Body Contouring, Tummy Tuck, Uncategorized
Do I Need A Full Or Mini Tummy Tuck?
An abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck, is an extremely powerful procedure that can dramatically reshape the abdomen. I’ve discussed tummy tucks in detail in other articles, but I’d like to address here a point that’s confusing to many patients. Women often ask me whether they are candidates for a “mini” tummy tuck, as opposed to a full tummy tuck. They ask this question assuming that the mini tummy tuck means a shorter scar, which may or may not be the case.
Tummy tucks eliminate excess abdominal skin and fat, and tighten and flatten the abdominal muscles. Many and sometimes all stretch marks can be removed. A mini tummy tuck is recommended when the extra or loose skin is only below the belly button, with a tight and flat upper abdomen. This is sometimes the case with fairly thin patients after pregnancies. The scar can be slightly shorter than for a full tummy tuck, but it might also be almost as long. A mini tummy tuck does not involve the belly button, so the belly button continues to look totally natural, without any scarring. Only the lower abdominal muscles are tightened. The surgery is shorter than for a full tummy tuck, and less expensive.
Most patients actually require a full tummy tuck to obtain maximal improvement. The full tummy tuck tightens the entire belly or abdomen, and to a much greater degree. The muscles above and below the belly button are also tightened and flattened. More stretch marks can be removed with a full tummy tuck, including all those from the belly button down. The scar is usually longer than for a mini tuck, but the results are so much more dramatic. For either surgery, I take care to place the scar very low, so that it can be hidden beneath most pants, underwear, and even bikini bottoms. With time, the scar tends to fade in most patients, becoming fairly inconspicuous.
Please call my office to schedule a complimentary consultation to meet with me (714-835-6500). During your appointment in my Orange County office, you will meet only with me and a nurse. I will help you to determine whether you’d benefit most from a full or mini tummy tuck, or whether you might do well with liposuction instead of a tuck, or in addition. View my tummy tuck photo gallery to view more before and after patient photos.
Dr. Andres Taleisnik