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Six Reasons to Get a Facelift

Posted February 05, 2016 in Facelift

Facelift Before and After PhotosFacelift surgery can drastically improve the appearance of an aging face. If your face is showing signs of aging and you are not sure what facelift surgery could do for you, here are six reasons to get a facelift.

1) Your Face Has Loose, Sagging Skin

The aging process slowly depletes your skin’s natural production of collagen and elastin, which keep your skin tight, firm, and healthy. Consequently, diminished collagen production leads to loose, sagging facial skin. Facelift surgery removes excess skin and lifts or suspends the remaining skin to improve its appearance.

2) Your Face Has Deep Wrinkles and Creases

Deep facial wrinkles and creases may be caused by loose skin, excess facial fat, and loose facial muscles. A facelift can reduce creases around the nose and mouth by removing excess fat and skin and tightening the muscles underneath. By tightening the facial muscles, the remaining skin will show reduced lines and wrinkles.

3) You Have Poor Definition in Your Jowls, Jawline, and Neck

When excess fat and skin accumulate in the lower face and neck area, it leads to poor definition in the jowls, jawline, and neck. The facelift procedure can target both the face and neck to tighten loose tissues and improve definition in the jowls, neck, and jawline for a more youthful appearance.

4) Your Neck Has Noticeable Bands and Loose Skin

Neck banding, commonly called a turkey neck, is another sign of aging. Loose skin and neck banding can be improved with facelift surgery. During the procedure, the surgeon will tighten the platysma, which is the muscle below the neck skin, to improve the contour of the neck. The surgeon will also remove excess neck skin to tighten and tone its appearance.

5) You Have Diminished Facial and Neck Volume and Muscle Tone

Reduction in skin volume is another consequence of collagen and elastin depletion. In addition, a loss in muscle tone occurs during the aging process. Facelift surgery can improve facial volume and muscle tone by lifting and tightening the tissues. By tightening the muscle layer beneath the skin, the muscles form a stronger foundation and will not stretch out as quickly. This process will cause the face to look fuller and more youthful.

6) You Have a Perpetually Tired, Angry, or Sad Appearance

Sagging facial skin and deep wrinkles can create a perpetually tired, angry, or sad appearance. Individuals whose aging faces constantly portray these kinds of expressions may experience a lower quality of life. For example, facial expressions have been proven to enhance emotions; thus, if your facial tissues force your face into a continually sad or angry expression, you may begin to feel those emotions more often. Additionally, other people around you may respond negatively toward your perceived mood. Facelift surgery can correct these issues by smoothing and tightening the facial structure and tissues to soften your facial expressions. With a facelift, you can look and feel more relaxed, happy, refreshed, and youthful.

Schedule your facelift consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Andrés Taleisnik. Please call (714) 538-8549 or fill out our online contact form to book your appointment today.
