Get Rid of Crepey Neck Skin
Posted May 16, 2017 in Facelift, Neck Lift
Have you ever heard of a “crepey neck”? It’s when the neck develops saggy, loose, and thinning skin. This look can prematurely age your appearance, sometimes even more so than facial wrinkles. A neck lift or a combined neck lift and facelift can get rid of crepey neck skin and give you a more youthful appearance.
5 Signs of Neck Aging That Can Lead to a Crepey Neck
A lot of people think that the face always gives away a person’s age, but in reality, it’s often the neck that is the real culprit. The neck can develop wrinkles, saggy skin, and fatty deposits that are far more telling of the passing years than a few crow’s feet wrinkles or frown lines. Signs of aging that can lead to a crepey neck appearance include:
1. Collagen Depletion
Collagen is a natural protein in the human body, and it helps renew skin cells and maintain skin firmness and suppleness. The gradual degradation of collagen over time is a natural byproduct of aging, and because collagen is so essential to maintaining healthy, youthful skin, its depletion results in a noticeable decrease in overall skin health. Evidences of this are textural changes in the skin, skin laxity, thinning skin, and wrinkles.
2. Texture Changes
As collagen levels deplete, the texture of the skin changes. It becomes rougher, thinner, and develops a texture similar to crepe paper (hence the term “crepey skin”).
3. Skin Laxity
Elastin is another protein in the skin that keeps it elastic. In other words, it is what helps the skin to contract. Elastin also depletes over time, which is why aging skin becomes increasingly lax, loose, and saggy. Because the existing skin is less supported, it can make you look as though you have excess neck skin. It also leads to a wrinkling formation.
4. Fat Redistribution
Over time, the natural fat pockets in the neck may redistribute or shift. This can lead to a double chin and other signs of aging. Thinning skin also becomes more susceptible to wrinkles caused by displaced fat pockets.
5. Muscle Banding
The platysma muscles of the neck are especially vulnerable to the effects of gravity and aging. These muscles are not exercised like other muscles of the body and can shorten, contract, and become fibrous. These effects, combined with the thinning neck skin due to degradation of collagen and elastin, lead to vertical neck muscle banding. This is sometimes called a “turkey neck.”
How a Neck Lift Can Help
Neck lift surgery can reduce these signs of aging in the lower face and neck. Especially when combined with a facelift, neck lift surgery can significantly rejuvenate this area and produce smoother and better-defined neck and jawline contours. This surgery can tighten sagging jowls and loose neck skin, remove excess fat, tighten the underlying platysma neck muscles, correct neck muscle banding, and finally, re-drape the skin so that the neck looks smoother and younger. While no surgery can stop aging, a neck lift can eliminate crepey neck skin and turn back the clock on your appearance so that you look more youthful, refreshed, and rejuvenated. You can maximize your neck lift results and improve crepey neck skin by staying well hydrated, taking vitamins and antioxidants, using good skin care products on your face and neck, and wearing moisturizer and sunscreen to improve skin texture and protect the skin against harmful sun rays.
Dr. Andrés Taleisnik is a board-certified plastic surgeon experienced in rejuvenating appearances through facelift and neck lift surgery. Call (714) 538-8549 to request your one-on-one consultation with Dr. Taleisnik today. For your convenience, you can also fill out our online contact form and receive a personal reply from Dr. Taleisnik.