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Secrets for a Summer Body Part 2: For Men

Posted August 30, 2019 in Male Breast Reduction (Gynecomastia), Male Surgery

Summer is the time to be outside. Many men enjoy outdoor activities such as water sports, hiking, and running, but hesitate to participate because they feel self-conscious about their bodies. This summer, don’t let anything hold you back: take steps now to tackle whatever problem areas you have and achieve the body you desire. Male plastic surgery can give you a competitive edge this summer by helping you maintain a firm, toned body with a youthful, yet masculine appearance.


Whether it’s belly fat, hip fat, thigh fat, or even neck fat, localized fatty deposits can make anyone feel uncomfortable in their own skin. Resorting to unhealthy dieting or extreme exercise routines is unlikely to produce the results you want. Spot reduction simply isn’t possible without directly targeting your trouble areas. Fortunately, liposuction is a proven technique that can help.

Instead of staying inside or hiding beneath baggy clothing, take the time this summer for liposuction. A relatively short surgery with only a few days’ recovery, liposuction can permanently remove unwanted fat from your body. The procedure can be performed using various techniques and leaves minimal scarring – just a few short incision marks that are strategically hidden so as not to give you away. After liposuction, you’ll have a more sculpted, toned, and lean appearance to show off this season.

Gynecomastia Surgery

So-called “man boobs” or “man breasts” are a lot more common than people realize. Even so, the mere suspicion of a feminine-looking chest can make a man feel obligated to never go shirtless in public. However, there’s no reason you should feel confined to swim shirts when others at the beach or pool are bare chested and free. Gynecomastia procedures can give your chest a more masculine contour and instill a more positive and confident self-image.

Techniques used to eliminate gynecomastia vary based on the type and severity of male breast tissue. For example, if your main issue is excess chest fat that mimics the appearance of breasts, liposuction may be all that is necessary. If you have a more acute case with overdeveloped breast glandular tissue, it can be surgically removed through a small incision usually hidden around the nipple area. Whatever the case may be, gynecomastia surgery can help men of all ages achieve a more masculine torso.

Get a Firm, Toned Abdomen

A common trouble area for men is the abdomen. Stubborn fat can cause a “spare tire” or “beer belly” to spill out over the waistline of your swim trunks. If metabolic struggles and weight fluctuations are also an issue, you might have a constantly sagging belly accompanied by loose skin and weakened core muscles. As a result, every summer you may search for excuses to skip the pool parties and boat outings so that no one will see this embarrassing feature.

Tummy tuck surgery can help you reclaim a firm, flat, and toned abdomen. This procedure corrects three problems in the abdominal area: sagging skin, stubborn fat, and loosened stomach muscles. During the procedure, the excess fat and skin are removed and the muscles are tightened to create a firmer core. The result is a flat, toned, and attractive waistline that you can feel confident baring in public.

These plastic surgery procedures typically leave men feeling highly satisfied, confident, youthful, and attractive. The benefits of treating yourself to these procedures aren’t just for the body – they can also enhance your competitiveness in the job market, social world, and dating sphere. To learn more, schedule your consultation now with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Andres Taleisnik.  