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How Soon Can You Get a Mommy Makeover?

Posted February 27, 2021 in Mommy Makeover

New mothers are often concerned with how long it will take their bodies to “bounce back” after childbirth. Experienced mothers know that the “bounce-back” time frame is unpredictable, and that it takes weeks or even months just to feel normal again. It’s important to give your body time to heal from pregnancy and childbirth before jumping into any major surgery. Most surgeons recommend you wait at least six months after childbirth to get a Mommy Makeover, or possibly longer depending on your circumstances.

Recovering from Childbirth

Pregnancy and childbirth are hard on a woman’s body. Just as the body takes nine months and goes through many transformations to grow a new baby, the body needs a few months after childbirth to transform back. A new mother’s swollen abdomen has to contract, internal organs need to shift, and the breasts need to decrease in volume. The mother needs to get plenty of rest, eat nutritious food, and learn to feel normal and healthy again. This process cannot be rushed, and every new mother needs to listen to her own body’s needs.

Getting Back to Normal

When you are feeling back to normal, consider your goals. Are you happy with how your body has changed during recovery, or do you want to change it? What expectations do you have for yourself and your body? Are you hoping to lose weight you may have gained? How is parenting going with your new child? Do you have a strong support system including childcare options if you were to have major surgery? Your answers to these questions will determine when you should plan your Mommy Makeover.

What to Wait for

The general recommendation for most women is to wait at least six months after having a baby to get a Mommy Makeover; this usually enough time for the mother’s body to heal after childbirth. You may need to wait longer if any of the following apply:

  • You want more children: If you are planning on future pregnancies at any point, it’s best to wait on the Mommy Makeover. Any subsequent pregnancy after a Mommy Makeover could reverse your beautiful results.
  • You want to lose weight: A Mommy Makeover can improve a woman’s body contours, but it is not a weight loss procedure. If you have a particular weight loss goal, wait to pursue Mommy Makeover surgery until you are close to or have reached your goal.
  • You are still breastfeeding: You should not get surgery until after you are done breastfeeding.
  • Money is tight: Even with financing through CareCredit®, the Mommy Makeover procedure averages $9,000 to $15,000. If finances are tight with the new baby, you may want to wait until your financial situation improves.
  • You don’t have childcare: In addition to about two weeks of bedrest after surgery, you will not be able to lift more than 25 pounds for up to a few months after a Mommy Makeover. If you have small children and cannot get around-the-clock childcare assistance, it’s best to wait until that can be arranged to get your surgery.

If you are feeling the pressure and desperate to reclaim your body, pause and take a deep breath. Waiting may be difficult, but far worse would be jumping into major surgery prematurely. As soon as the time is right for you, you can take the plunge and look forward to enjoying your beautiful, youthful, feminine figure after Mommy Makeover surgery.

If you are not sure when you should get your Mommy Makeover, or if you feel like now is the right time for it, schedule your consultation with Dr. Taleisnik. He will be happy to recommend what would be best for you personally for your Mommy Makeover journey. Call (657) 294-8375 or fill out our online contact form to book your private appointment with Dr. Taleisnik today.
