Breast Reduction Gallery
Back To GalleriesBreast Reduction Patient 01

This 24 year old female did not like her flattened, downward pointing breasts with enlarged areolas. After a breast reduction, her breast shape is much better, and the nipples no longer point downwards. She did not want implants to improve upper breast fullness.
Breast Reduction Patient 02

This 51 year old female complained of dense, heavy breasts with breast sagging. Following a breast reduction, her symptoms including neck and shoulder pain improved. She is able to exercise more easily. Scarring is minimal.
Breast Reduction Patient 03

This 20 year old female was unhappy with her large, heavy, sagging breasts. A breast reduction decreased her size and improved breast shape, with minor scarring.
Breast Reduction Patient 04

This 17 year old female complained that her breasts were too large and droopy. Her left breast was much larger and sagged more than the right breast. After a breast reduction, the patient is very happy with the decreased weight, her improved ability to fit into clothing, and the ease of exercise. The asymmetry has been diminished, allowing the patient to fit into bras properly. The red scar color is normal at this point following surgery, and will fade with time, as in the other breast reduction photos.
Breast Reduction Patient 05

This 32 year old female was very unhappy with the large size and sagging of her breasts, and also with the excessively wide areolas. Following a breast reduction, her breasts are smaller and less droopy, with a more pleasing areola diameter. Scarring is minimal.
Breast Reduction Patient 06

This 63 year old female underwent a breast reduction with much improved size and shape of her breasts, and elimination of drooping. Her preoperative symptoms were decreased. She had rolls of extra skin below her armpits prior to surgery, and a small prominence remains after surgery on the right, easily eliminated with a minor procedure in the office.
Breast Reduction Patient 07

This 52 year old female suffered from enormous, pendulous, extremely heavy breasts that caused her numerous symptoms including neck and shoulder pain, and rashes beneath the breasts. After a breast reduction, her symptoms are dramatically better, as are the shape and size of her breasts. The red scar color will fade with time, as in the other breast reduction photos.
Breast Reduction Patient 08

This 53 year old female did not like her large, saggy breasts. After a breast reduction, she was much happier with the size and shape of her breasts.